Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bookquest: Milan, Italy

10/29/2013 - American Bookshop

Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco

I picked up Eco's Foucault's Pendulum, about three men from Milan who read so many conspiracy theories that they decide to make up one of their own. Eventually, they start getting in trouble with actual secret societies. 

The American Bookshop was the third English-language bookstore I looked for in Milan. The other two had closed. The selection is pretty broad, but the Italian translations are limited: just one shelf for Eco, Dante, Italo Calvino, and a few others.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe,

    I don't know if you remember riding the train from Italy to France during this time frame and striking up conversation with fellow travelers from Seattle, but I thought I'd say hi and tell you what an impressive blog you have with the extensive travel you got in! My wife (Monica) and I, appreciated your travel tips for next time we make it over there (ex. Buy cheap flip flops for the shower if you're staying in a hostel). If you ever see yourself in the Seattle area let us know and we can meet up for lunch or coffee.


