Tuesday, August 27, 2013

More Scandinavian Heroics

8/26/2013 - Oslo, Norway

A long day in Oslo. I walked to the alternative bookstore, the royal palace, the royal park, embassy row, one of the fjords, the Viking Ships Museum, the Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo's main park, and the famous Vigelandsanlegget sculpture garden. 

The Kon-Tiki Museum stood out, mainly because I didn't know much about the story. The museum contains artifacts from Thor Heyerdahl's near-impossible voyages across the ocean on papyrus boats ("maritime experimental archaeology"). Incredibly, he wasn't the most heroic person among his crew: with him was Knut Haugland, Norway's most decorated soldier from World War II, who helped stop Hitler from getting atomic weapons at the raid in Rjukan, Norway. With the Nobel Museum from Stockholm still on my mind, I ended the day with an impression of legendary heroism in Scandinavia.

Pictured: One of the more famous statues at the outstanding Vigelandsanlegget sculpture garden

1 comment:

  1. Joe, I haven't read all the way through your adventures yet, but I just wanted to thank you for the postcard. Hope all is well, and look forward to seeing you in December.

